The French Introduces The Most Powerful LED Technology To Classrooms

We are so excited to announce that the French Beauty Academy has partnered with Omnilux Revive 2! In an industry-first, The French have partnered with the biggest names in skin and device technologies to co-develop the curriculum of the industry’s newest and most cutting edge skin focused program, The Future of Beauty. French students will have exclusive hands-on access to train with the Omnilux Revive 2 LED devices, as well as access to their technology, research and clinical protocols which are integrated into the learning materials.  

Why Omnilux?

Omnilux, a pioneer in non-invasive LED technology since 2003, is the industry leader in non-thermal phototherapy for skin care. Clinically proven, Omnilux technology stimulates the body’s own natural processes to help counteract the effects of sun damage, acne-prone skin, and a variety of other skin conditions. Omnilux has been validated in more than 40 peer-reviewed published studies, which is one of the reasons we have partnered with Omnilux directly to ensure our students receive the most reliable and relevant training for the future of the skin therapy industry. 

Omnilux Revive 2

Omnilux Revive 2 has both a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin and is beneficial for anyone who is looking to achieve a more youthful appearance or currently experiencing issues related to acne or scarring. The LED is proven to increase cellular energy which in turn “kick starts” cellular renewal as well as increasing the synthesis of collagen. It has also been proven to stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic flow to eliminate toxins, accelerate healing and calm the skin. 

The LED transmits red light used to benefit a variety of different skin concerns including:

  • Skin rejuvenation

  • Wrinkle reduction

  • Acne and dyschromia of the skin such as pigmentation or rosacea

  • In some cases, it can also be used as Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) for the treatment of certain non-melanoma skin cancers.

This red LED treatment can be used as an individual treatment, or as an addition to advanced facials such as microdermabrasions or needling.

Omnilux Has Received More FDA clearances Than Any Other LED Device
Advantages of Omnilux
  • The Omnilux devices are the most powerful system on the market today – the higher energy delivered in each treatment means shorter treatment times and fewer treatment sessions, resulting in greater results compared to other less powerful systems.

  • Fully articulating arms and adjustable light head panels enable patients to be treated while sitting, standing or reclined. Light head panels can be flattened to treat chest area, or curved to treat the face, arms or legs.

  • By densely packing its LEDs into individual treatment heads, Omnilux ensures that there are no pockets of under treated cells.

  • Built to exact medical grade specifications, Omnilux is FDA-cleared, meaning users can have confidence in Omnilux quality and high standards.

  • More FDA cleared indications than any other brand — results are backed by solid evidence

  • Omnilux has been validated in more than 40 peer-reviewed published studies


Omnilux Revive 2 devices are taught exclusively within The Future of Beauty program. The all-encompassing dual qualification arms students with the knowledge, skills and experience required to be an exceptional beauty therapist and important business understandings to know how to manage or open a clinic or salon, breeding the next generation of beauty entrepreneurs.

the future of beauty

Next generation training for the jobs of tomorrow

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The French Beauty Academy's Queensland campuses have resumed normal operations with classes running on Wednesday, 12th March.


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