Advance From Razor to Laser with Candela

Introducing the #1 dermatologist-recommended brand for laser hair removal...

Today’s beauty treatments go well beyond what you would find in a typical salon. The opportunity for therapists to gain a competitive edge through education, expertise, and familiarity with the latest technologies available in the field has never been greater. As technology develops and clients want to maintain their aesthetic appearance, there is a growing demand for laser therapy procedures in Australia. Students completing our groundbreaking Future of Beauty curriculum will have the option to specialise in Laser and IPL for those who want to accelerate their training in Laser and Medi-Clinics. This enables our students to learn how to use cutting-edge tools and dermatologist-recommended machinery such as the Candela’s GentleMax Pro Plus.

the future of laser hair removal

Hair removal is one of the top three non-surgical aesthetic procedures worldwide due to happy clients leaving with smoother skin, less ingrown hairs and shorter appointment times. The GentleMax Pro is the gold standard for laser hair removal across all skin types. It was built on a foundation of more than 20 years of clinically proven performance and is now the industry standard worldwide, being installed in 89 countries. Increased power, speed, larger spot sizes, and brief pulse durations can be used to treat more patients in less time while also treating fine, remaining hair.

How does it work?

Within a few sessions, the Candela GentleMax Pro Plus laser permanently reduces hair by focusing on the hair follicle’s root and delivering a blast of therapeutic heat. Through the use of its unique dynamic cooling device, the laser provides cooling bursts of liquid cryogen to ensure enhanced comfort in addition to super-fast treatment timeframes. What sets the GentleMax Pro apart is its adaptability to treat wide range of conditions. This flexibility is due to the 755 nm and 1064 nm wavelength laser technology that provides the ability to treat more than just hair removal. 

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Candela GentleMax Pro Plus

So what exactly does this revolutionary technology do? The fantastic thing about Candela lasers is that it combines its strong power and distinctive DCD cooling protection to treat a wide variety of skin conditions. The Candela GentleMax Pro Plus allows students to treat: 

  • Permanent hair reduction

  • Benign pigmented and vascular lesions

  • Diffuse redness and facial vessels 

  • Rosacea 

  • Spider and leg veins 

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Angiomas and hemangiomas 

  • Venous lake

  • Port wine staines 

  • Nail fungus 

  • Telangiectasia 


Next generation training for the skin therapy and beauty business jobs of tomorrow

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The French Beauty Academy's Queensland campuses have resumed normal operations with classes running on Wednesday, 12th March.


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