Brittney Jose’s journey into the world of beauty began with her love with makeup. Initially, she immersed herself in the artistry at Napoleon Perdis, believing she had discovered her calling. However, life had other plans for her.

Brittney harbored dreams of establishing a thriving home-based business, envisioning a future where she could balance her passion for beauty with family life.

As she pursued additional qualifications, Brittney’s perspective on her career evolved. While she initially focused on makeup, she realized her passion extended far beyond mere application. Her journey at the French was anything but ordinary, marked by profound personal and professional growth.

One standout moment was her graduation, a culmination of dedication and perseverance. Despite facing the challenges of pregnancy coinciding with her final exams, Brittney found unwavering support from her teachers and classmates, forging a bond that transcended the classroom.

Walking across the stage to receive her diploma symbolized triumph over adversity, reaffirming her commitment to her craft. Undeterred by doubts, Brittney embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, founding Brow & Beauty Haven.

Specializing in Brow Mapping, Brow Laminations, Lash Lifts, and makeup services, Brittney’s business reflects her dedication to enhancing natural beauty. Recognizing the pivotal role of social media in the beauty industry, she honed her online presence through additional training and practice, paving the way for her success.

Today, Brittney’s journey serves as a testament to resilience, determination, and the transformative power of pursuing one’s passion. As she continues to empower others through her expertise, her story inspires aspiring entrepreneurs and beauty enthusiasts alike.


What sparked your interest in pursuing a career in beauty therapy? Was there a specific moment or experience that inspired you?

My passion for beauty started with makeup in 2012. I had studied and worked at Napoleon Perdis and thought I had found my thing. 

I started to have dreams of having a booming at home business so I could start a family with my husband and still do what I love, but infertility struggles threw a spanner in the works for me and had me reassessing what I actually wanted to do.

I originally thought makeup would be my main service, but as I slowly added more qualifications to my portfolio, I started to realise I wanted to take a more in depth dive into the world of beauty and find out exactly where my niche was.

What was your main motivation to choose to study at The French Beauty Academy? What was it that drew you to study here?

I did a lot of research before deciding to attend The French Beauty Academy. I actually asked around with other beauticians who I knew were great to try and find out which school was going to be the best fit for me. 

One beautician mentioned The French Beauty Academy and as soon as I started looking into it I knew it was exactly what I was looking for. Not only was the structure exactly what I wanted but the way the college presented itself and held value in how students presented themselves really was a stand out for me. 

I wanted to study at a place that embodied every value I wanted my business to hold.

Do you remember your Orientation week? Can you share your experience or how you felt on those first few days/weeks.

In all honesty I remember feeling a little overwhelmed and wondering if I was truly capable of what was ahead. Those thought patterns quickly changed when I started to realise everyone in that room was just as nervous as I was. The teachers were so warm and welcoming that any previous doubt I had quickly dispersed. 

Reflecting on your time at The French, can you share a standout moment or memory?

A stand out memory for me was walking up on the stage at graduation to actually receive my diploma. That might sound a bit cliche but my journey at the French wasn’t your average journey. 

I hit the ground running when school started and every week had me wanting more and excited for what was to come. I then found out whilst studying that after experiencing infertility issues for years that I was pregnant and my due date was right when I was meant to be finishing up my final exams. 

This was a miracle for my husband and I but at the same time I wondered if my career in beauty had ended before it had even truly begun. 

I had amazing teachers rally around me and let me know that this would not stop me from completing my diploma if I did not let it.

Studying whilst pregnant is not ideal, but through that I experienced an unspoken French Beauty sisterhood of love and support which came not only from teachers but also class mates that had become some of my closest friends at that point in time.

So walking up on stage after doubting so many times if I would even make it there was a definite highlight for me.

What do you miss most about The French?

I miss the laughs. There was a time and a place to be serious and get things done but amongst that there were so many laughs and good times.

Did you have a favourite subject or Educator at The French? Why/What did you love most about it?

I had too many favourite educators, Lauren, Alana, Carleigh, just to name a few.

It was hard to have just one favourite subject when their love for the subject they were covering would just rub off on you. 

My teachers were honestly the best and I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of women to have been taught by.

In what ways did The French help you develop personally and professionally?

The French helped me set a standard for what type of beautician I wanted to be, how I wanted to hold myself and present myself. Being exposed to working in the student salon also gave me that real world experience which also helped boost my confidence prior to entering the industry.

Was there an invaluable lesson or any advice you received from The French that has stuck with you and continues to inspire you?

To work hard but to also be kind. My situation with being heavily pregnant during final exams could have been an annoyance for some. But I had beautiful teachers who not only pushed me to work hard but also worked with me to do my assessments during lunch breaks or outside of my class times, just so I could complete my diploma on time. 

They didn’t have to do some of the things they did for me, but their kindness has truly stuck with me. Things that I know I have emulated in any leadership roles I have taken on personally and professionally since my days of study.

How easy was it for you to gain work after graduating? Tell me about your first career ‘break’ in beauty?

Even after finishing up I was having opportunities presented to me. I had spas reaching out and even a job offered to me immediately from the spa where I had done my placement. 

How are French graduates perceived in the industry? Did your employer know who The French Beauty Academy was?

My employer and others that I interviewed with from large corporations to small sole trader businesses have all thought very highly of graduates from The French, even way out in Toowoomba. It appears to be well known and respected that we are trained to a very high industry standard.

With innovations and trends constantly evolving, what aspect of working in the beauty industry excites you the most right now?

Change can sometimes be scary but evolving with the industry is important. This constant change keeps things interesting, whether its the trial of new products or keeping up to date with new techniques, I find the industry definitely keeps things interesting.

For prospective students considering studying at The French Beauty Academy, what aspect of the program do you think sets a solid foundation for success in the industry?

One aspect of The French Beauty Academy program is that it sets a solid foundation for success in the beauty industry with its comprehensive curriculum covering both theoretical knowledge and hands-on practical experience. It provides students with a well-rounded program that equips you with the skills and expertise needed to thrive in various roles within the beauty industry. Additionally, the emphasis on industry-relevant training and real-world experiences, allows students to gain valuable insights and practical skills that are essential for success in such a competitive industry.

Looking ahead, what personal or professional goals are you aiming to achieve in the next few years? Is there a dream role or achievement you're working towards?

Looking ahead, my goal is to expand my client base and increase brand recognition within my community. I aim to offer a wider range of services and establish myself as a trusted authority in the brow community. Ultimately, I aspire to create a thriving and sustainable business that allows me to pursue my passion for beauty whilst providing exceptional service to my clients.

Can you please tell us a bit about your business?

My business is called Brow & Beauty Haven which specialises in Brow Mapping but also offers Brow Laminations, Lash Lifts and makeup services. 

Why did you decide to start your own business? Can you tell us a bit about your journey?

Originally after completing my Diploma of Beauty Therapy I thought I wanted to open my own little day spa. My journey changed along the way when I fell in love with Brows and Brow Mapping. After 12 years doing makeup, completing my Diploma of Beauty therapy and having 3 kids, I decided to rebrand my business and officially open a salon at home and specialise in Brows.

I have continued to add to my qualifications and have a goal to expand my services within my business.

What were the first few steps you took to set up the business?

The first thing I did was get an ABN, register my business name and make sure I had the correct insurance to cover myself and my business. I also set up a google business profile and put myself on the map. I made it my goal to see as many people as possible to begin with and request they leave me a google review. Having good reviews and a lot of reviews will set you apart from the other businesses in your area that provide the same services.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business, and how did you overcome them?

Social media is a big part of the beauty world. I realised that the way I presented myself online needed to improve if I was going to succeed. I really struggled with keeping up with it all to begin with but by doing extra courses in social media training and practicing these skills I have gotten to a point where 80% of my clientele come from finding me on social media.

What is a decision or perhaps a mistake you've made that has lead to a very valuable lesson in running or starting a business?

Value yourself and your skills and do not let clients take advantage of you. It’s definitely right to be kind but it’s ok to be kind and have boundaries within your business.

What did you learn during your time at The French that helped prepare you when starting your business or during the course of your business journey?

The emphasis on presentation along with extensive hands on training and education gave me the confidence to step into a business owner role and know exactly the type of beautician I wanted to be.

If you had just 1 piece of advice for our Frenchies who are wanting to start their own business, what would it be?

Find your niche service and become the best you can at that. Never become stagnant either, trends, techniques and new products are forever being developed so keep up to date with what is new and continue to do courses to stay up to date with new techniques.

Our Flagship Course: The Future of Beauty

Next generation training for Beauty Therapists & Entrepreneurs​

“ Value yourself and your skills and do not let clients take advantage of you. It's definitely right to be kind but it's ok to be kind and have boundaries within your business.. ”

- Brittney Jose

My Signature Beauty Go tos...

Scent: Giorgio Armani- Si
Lipstick: Makeup Forever Pencil- Wherever Walnut/ M.A.C lipstick- Kinda Sexy
Book: Women, Work & The art of Savoir Faire (Mireille Giuliano)
Best Kept Secret: MCO Beauty’s Flawless glow foundation under any foundation gives you a bargain glow from within. 

The French Edit...

City: Osaka (Japan)
Beauty Muse: Selena Gomez
Drink: Not much of a drinker so I will say, Chocolate milkshake
Song: Billie Eilish- What was I made for
Quote: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer

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